Now far be it for me to deny that King Yeezy commanded these people to do something they physically couldn't before starting his show, because it absolutely happened and he knew what he was doing. But y'all imbeciles fail miserably to see the genius of his plan. See the Tru God Yeezus, like Jesus before him, has the power to cure the sick. The fans that see his show and believe were going to be made to walk again. By not getting up it just shows that those people did not truly believe, were not disciples of Lord Yeezy, and revealed in front of the whole world that they were not fans but just more haters who planted themselves in the crowd to make Kanye look bad.
What other explanation is there? Who are we to deny that this talented rapper who proclaims "I AM A GOD" without a trace of irony or self awareness is not, in fact, a god? Are all of us Tru Yeezy Believers not, in fact, gods? This is precisely what Nietzsche was conveying to us in Thus Spoke Zarathustra when Zarathustra spoke thusly:
"Companions, the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets."
Also Tyler, The Creator |
It is also clear that Kanye himself recognises his divinity. As Yeezus says to Jesus:
"I know he the most high, but I am a close high."
And... that's about as far as I got with the Yeezy/Neezy conceit just now. Unsuspending disbelief, maybe Kanye West is just a delusional charlatan who maybe, just maybe, should check what business he has demanding anyone to do anything who paid money to see him perform, and that they have the right to see him perform whatever damn way they choose to sit or stand, able bodied/disabled/or otherwise.
Whatever you've read or heard probably isn't going to change your perceptions about Kanye in respect of his self-aggrandisement. What you may change your perceptions about is the source of Kanye's immense capacity for self-aggrandisement, for which I obviously blame white people entirely.
You may not have heard that at Yeezy's concert, the majorly middle class white fanbase who attends rap concerts in Australia jeered and heckled the disabled fans when they didn't immediately stand up at Kanye's request. I mean what the hell kind of shitlord does that, starts heckling people they don't know and probably can't see because they can't physically do something that another complete stranger asked them to do? Were there that many people in the crowd shamelessly unthinking, blindly following like sheep?
"No man is free who is not master of himself."
Epictetus said that, and if you don't know who that is then educate yourself fool. And another one for good measure:
"Self-control is the chief element in self-respect, and self-respect is the chief element in courage."
That's Thucydides, more old school Greek philosophy for you. What I'm trying to use these ancient writers to say is that the people who booed the disabled fans at the concert were nothing but cowardly pig children with no self respect.
Damn Thucydides, you ice cold! |
Shiny |
Criticise Kanye for his behaviour if you want to, because it's justified. But ask yourself what would have happened if the crowd gave no reaction when he demanded everyone to stand up. What would have happened if the crowd was full of self-respecting people who thought for themselves instead of the cowardly herd of corpses and believers who enabled him? Because whether he intended to or not, Yeezy just showed who all of the new slaves are.
The new slaves, the will eventually turn on Kanye. It is predicted by the man himself. As soon as they like him, they will unlike him. Nietzsche predicted it as well. For the man who proclaims himself a god, well everybody knows that Nietzsche said that "God is dead." Not everybody knows that it is we who have killed him.
We are the new slaves. I see the blood on the leaves.